Technical Interview

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Thursday, February 8, 2007

What method would you use to look up a name in a dictionary?

What method would you use to look up a name in a dictionary?


  1. Remember that game 20 questions? You have to ask 20 questions to guess a word. Well, the way to cheat is to narrow it down half way every time. The English Dictionary has about 500,000 words, meaning you would still have queries to spare.
    Yes, it would be boring, but it would go something like this:
    Does your word come before the word “marry”? Yes
    Does your word come before the word “gerrymander”?You get the point.
    Assuming you already know you have to sort, you can binary search at O(log_2 N). Which for say, a trillion, is less than 50.
    But its application doesn’t stop there, as it (as well as its cousin ternary search) can help you solve numerical equations (this is actually call bisection, but same paradigm). For example, you want to find the cube root of N (N^(1/3)), but don’t have some sort of library ready. Easy solution? Binary search! You know x=y^3, so “guess” a value for x, and go from there!

  2. Even though "binary search" is the classical answer, in real life you'll follow an approach similar to a "Trie". Say you're searching for "Tennis", you don't open the middle of the dictionary, you aim closer to T, and you again search for "e" and so on.

  3. Are you guys really understanding the question?

  4. I think anonymous #1 is right.

  5. I wouldn't typically use a dictionary to look up a name. An encyclopedia would be a more appropriate resource.

    If you look beyond the "tricky" aspect of the question, i think the simple answer would be "alphabetically".

    Rather than use a binary approach, i'd assume the dictionary has already been divided into ~26 sections (often P & Q are listed together, and sometimes X/Y/Z).

    Open to the section containing the first letter of the name. Then use a method similar to the one described in comment #1.

  6. I'd also mention that most proper names would be listed alphabetically by LAST name.

  7. i think indexing is the way to go

  8. i think indexing is the way to go

  9. 26 Clustering followed by second level of 26 clusters...and so on.
    Binary Search for the final bucket.

    26^LevelOfIndexing - Clusters formed.

    By traversing char by char we can converge to our searched node.

    Multilevel Clustered Indexing followed by Binary Search.

    In comment#1, Inspite of using
    - sorted nature of words.
    - relationship between characters.
    - All character are uniformly distributed.

    Data is indexed on the basis of question. F(Question,Answer) = Index.

    Please comment

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